Today we finally saw Michaelangelo's David. Another surreal sight after seeing the copies around town.
Sculpted by Michaelangelo when he was only 26 and brought to the Accademia in 1873 after 369 years outside, the statue is an impressive 17 feet tall. As familiar as we all are with what it looks like from the front, it's great to be able to take a slow walk all the way around it.
For as crowded as Florence is, there weren't *that* many people inside and the fact that everyone's camera is pointing up is helpful. As are the timed entry tickets. Did we plan in advance enough to get regular tickets? No. But we also know how to find overpriced reseller tickets. Still better than the giant line of people with no reservation.
We did spend more time in the museum looking at art from the 14th (vs 15th) century. All very interesting but it started to become a blur. That means it's time for lunch and gelato.
We're back at home for the afternoon recharge. Watch this space for our next adventures.
The less frequently seen backside. |
It's a lady with a panther. |
Not amused at how much attention David gets compared to the art on this floor. |
No, I don't remember who this is but I like their colorful robes. |
This pig at the bottom represents the pig fat that would be used to cure a disease called "St. Anthony's Fire". ??? |
I'm enjoying the street art we see around town. |
Apparently Sophia Loren has a restaurant in Florence. What are the chances she hangs out there? |
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