Twenty-nine years and over $100 millions dollars! So far their 2015 - 2016 campaign fund has raised over $5 million dollars and the best part of it is 100% of this money goes to people in need. Donations are split between individuals and families (85%) and nine local food banks (15%). Although the success stories are only published in the Chronicle between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, distributions are made to support people year round.
In 1986 this was a charitable fund sponsored by the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund to help individuals and families in crisis. Since that time, the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has collected millions of dollars in private donations from people like you and me and is now "one of the largest private sources of emergency financial assistance in the Bay Area."
Whether you need assistance from the fund or you can donate money to help provide it, you can always show your support by liking their Facebook page and following them Twitter @SoSFund. Happy Feel Good Friday!