Run by Equal Arts since 2011, the Hen Power Project engages older people in "arts activities and hen-keeping to promote health and wellbeing and reduce loneliness."
The Hen Power Project, also known as Hensioners (pensioners + hens, of course) is now active in more than 40 care homes throughout Australia and has the following goals:
- Prevents loneliness, isolation and promotes elderly health and well-being.
- Provides seniors with socialization by meeting others while care taking their hens.
- Encourage seniors to be creative by designing coops and purchasing hen breeds.
- Create intergenerational exchanges by visiting schools and school children.
- Help lift the spirits of other seniors by visiting care homes with their hens.
- Encourage elderly to keep active and maintain fitness levels.
If you like what you see, you can support the work of the Hen Power Project with a donation and spread the social media love by liking their Facebook Page and following them on Twitter@HenPowerProject.