I’ve been enjoying the recent rain in the Bay Area, but we’re still expecting drier than normal conditions in California this winter, which is why today’s Feel Good Friday is focusing on Save our Water.
Created in 2009 by the Association of California Water Agencies and the California Department of Water Resources, Save Our Water is “a statewide program aimed at helping Californians to reduce everyday water use through conservation ideas, inspiration and tips.”
According to this article, “the California Department of Water Resources estimates we need 140 percent of average precipitation to get our reservoir storage back to where it needs to be.” That’s why taking steps to conserve water is so important. Luckily, the Save Our Water website is full of resources.
Tips are divided into three categories: around the house, around the yard and save our trees. You won’t be surprised to read that fixing leaks, installing high-efficiency toilets, and taking shorter showers can save water, but did you know turning off the water when you’re brushing your teeth can save 10 gallons per person per day??
For those of you with yards, planting water-wise, California-native plants and drought resistant trees can help. Using a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas can save 8-18 gallons of water every minute! And if your yard has trees, keep watering them. “It will take more water, time, and money to replace a mature tree lost to drought than to keep it alive.”
In addition to the tips you can find at the above links, there is also a resource page with more links to useful water-related resources, partnering agencies, and supporting organizations. If you’re feeling especially inspired, you can visit the toolkit and download social media posts, logos and videos to share.
The best way for you to support Save Our Water is to help spread the word about the site and their resources so more people can learn how to up their water conservation game. Like the Save Our Water Facebook pageand follow them on Twitter and Instagram @saveourwater.
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