Friday, April 11, 2008

Tonight's the Night We Make History!

(Styx flashback anyone?)

Hey All,

Tonight is the night of the Alice Film Festival where my film on The Mazingira Monkey Project is one of the 5 finalists in the drama/documentary category!

The event is sold out and on the verge of being a fire hazard because of the number of people attending.  The documentary film crew that will be there to film me (as the final bits of the Dream documentary) has to hang out in the lobby... it's that crowded.

I must say, today as I have been running errands, driving with the top down delivering film festival tickets and contemplating what to wear tonight I realized that, while this hasn't earned me any money yet, it sure beats workin' for "the man".

Regardless of the outcome tonight, this is a great opportunity for me to get more visibility for me, the monkey project and (hopefully through increased YouTube hits) for all the people I'm profiling.  I'm thrilled to be a part of it!  It very well may be "the best of times".

Please keep your fingers crossed and tune in soon for the results!

Miss K

PS - Because I know it's stuck in your head now and you want to hear it:

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