Friday, July 26, 2024

Feel Good Friday - Big Cat Rescue

Monday is International Tiger Day, an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation. What a great time to learn about Big Cat Rescue.

Founded in 1992 by Carole Baskin, who you may remember from a certain tiger-related tv show, Big Cat Rescue is a non-profit educational sanctuary with the mission of “a world where big cats roam free”. They focus on providing a permanent home for exotic cats, ending mistreatment of big cats in captivity, and avoiding extinction of big cats in the wild. 

What started when Carole and her late husband outbid a taxidermist for a bobcat cub, has now become the world’s largest accredited sanctuary for big cats. Their approach has evolved over time as they have become more knowledgeable. You can watch this 5-minute video to get a quick history.

Most of the cats taken in by Big Cat Rescue have been either found, orphaned, or relinquished by owners who either could or would not continue to care for them. Some are retired from performing acts while others were saved from being slaughtered for fur coats. As of 2023 they have rescued more than 230 exotic cats, as wells as successfully rescued, rehabbed and released 55 native bobcats. Starting in 2024, the rescued cats live at the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. You can see photos of the residents and read their stories at this link.

In addition to the sanctuary, Big Cat Rescue encourages laws forbidding breeding and exotic pet ownership and funds conservation projects all around the world to support big cats in the wild. Since they started tracking their numbers in 2006, they have donated $989,000 to other organizations. You can visit an interactive map on this page and search for these organizations by location or cat species.

If you’d like to celebrate International Tiger Day by supporting a tiger or two, there are many ways to do so. Shop for Big Cat Rescue merch, make a donation, and amplify their work on social media. Follow Big Cat Rescue on Facebook or Instagram and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

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