Today’s post is a bit of a rodent offset for me. Having to address some unwanted visitors in my home, I’m counterbalancing that by highlighting an organization that supports small rodents, Ratical Rodent Rescue.
The types of animals RRR works with includes rats, mice, guinea pigs, chinchillas and any other small rodents who need rescuing. According to this article, in 2022 RRR had 150 guinea pigs that people purchased during the height of COVID and turned in after realizing they could no longer provide adequate care for them.
While RRR provides housing and sanctuary for these animals, their goal is to find them forever homes. The adoption process is both simple and serious. You must sign a contract confirming that you will provide safe, suitable housing and food for the animal as well as humane treatment and veterinary care. RRR provides care guides to help you provide the best environment for your new friend.
If you’re concerned that having a pet will affect your ability to travel, fear not. RRR offers boarding services at a reasonable fee and if your pet stays longer than 3 days, they’ll receive complimentary grooming.
Interested in supporting the work of Ratical Rodent Rescue? As always, there are many ways to do so. People living in the San Francisco Bay Area can sign up to volunteer at RRR. You can also foster or adopt an animal and provide them with a happy home. No matter where you live, you can show your rodent love by buying and wearing some merch, making a donation and spreading the word on social media. Follow Ratical Rodent Rescue on Facebook and Instagram.
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