Friday, December 22, 2023

Feel Good Friday - Doing Good Together

Many people spend their time off during the holiday season doing volunteer work. If you’ve been looking for a way get your family involved in an activity, look no further than
Doing Good Together.

Founded in 2004, Doing Good Together (DGT) is a national nonprofit based in Minnesota “that works to make volunteering and service, along with daily kindness, easy for every family.” Their mission is “empowering families to raise children who care and contribute.” 

Studies show that, while parents want their children to be kind and compassionate, children aren’t getting the message and there has been a 40% decline in empathy among college students compared with peers from 10 years ago. The good news is that empathy is like a muscle you can build and DGT is here to help. Learn more about their programs in this short video or keep reading.

A great place to start your involvement is with the Big-Hearted Families Toolkit. This toolkit has ideas for service projects, kindness activities, empathy building book lists and talking tips and tools. Visit the printables page for free resources such as activity books, kindness challenges and ideas of how to add kindness to family routines. If you need to do some last minute shopping, you can view this page to get ideas for gifts that support DGT’s mission.

When you and your family are ready to volunteer together, you can pick a project by the topic of focus, such as fighting poverty, caring for animals or healing the Earth. Check out this list of 12 Holiday Volunteering Tips if you’re looking for something to do now. DGT also shares monthly, family-friendly volunteer opportunities in 10 metro areas around the United States including Silicon Valley, California, Twin Cities, Minnesota, and New York City. See the full list here.

If you’re ready to help Doing Good Together instill the spirit of giving in a new generation, there are many ways to do so. Become a member of the DGT family, make a donation, and amplify their message on social media. Follow Doing Good Together on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to their YouTube Channel and blog. You’ll never run out of ideas on how you can do something good together!

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