Hope for Haiti was founded 28 years ago by JoAnne Kuehner with a simple mission, "We work to improve the quality of life for the Haitian people, particularly children." As explained on the website, their model is a holistic approach that "connects, heals, and empowers rural communities on the road to sustainable, long-term development." You can watch the short video, Rethink Haiti, to see the people Hope for Haiti is helping.
Their programs focus on five key areas for development: education, nutrition and healthcare, clean water, infrastructure and economy. They partner with local organizations to support work already being done to increase the success rates. Examples include providing financial support for schools, advanced medical training for Haitian medical professionals, and installing and maintaining solar-powered Ultraviolet water purification systems.
The impact of the work is impressive! Hope for Haiti has distributed $100,000,000 in cash and in-kind donations for program support. This money has been used to train 137 teachers, provide 45,000 books to students and build 12 classrooms. They've hired a full-time, Haitian clean water technician to maintain their 13 clean water sites and trained 38 men and women in traditional and modern culinary practices, 70% of whom are applying their skills in the community.
You can read the impact section of the website for even more stories. With 95% of revenues from donations going directly to the core programs you know that if you donate, you'll be helping the people of Haiti. You can also get involved by purchasing jewelry or cookbooks at their online store.
As always, like their Facebook page and follow them on Twitter @HopeforHaitiFL to give Hope for Haiti some social media love.
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