In practical terms, they fund organizations that are women-led, connected with their communities, underfunded, and using a rights-based approach that supports the larger women's movement. Three areas they focus on, in order to achieve lasting change for women and girls, are technology, education and leadership.
As stated on the website, "Gender inequality will have been addressed when women can fully, freely and safely participate in political, economic and social life and in choices over their bodies, sexuality and reproductive health." We certainly have a long way to go but take heart because Global Fund for Women is identifying and supporting groups that will help get us there.
You can watch videos from a few of their grant recipients here, including: the Fiji Women's Rights Movement which encourages women's political participation, Strey Khmer, a group in Cambodia that helped women set up a mushroom farm in their village so they don't have to migrate for work and Urban Poor Women Development, another Cambodian program that teaches women how to organize their communities to improve their living conditions.
Having supported groups in 170 countries, you can see which parts of the world are current priority areas now. You also can support women around the globe by making a donation, liking their Facebook page and following them on Twitter @GlobalFundWomen.
Global Fund for Women reminds us that Sisters are Doin' if for Themselves!
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