Friday, April 26, 2013

Feel Good Friday - Friends of the Urban Forest

FUF trees outside
my apartment
What better way to welcome Spring than by planting a tree?

Shortly after purchasing my building in Noe Valley, my landlord contacted Friends of the Urban Forest to get some trees to plant in the sidewalk outside our front window. 14 years later, the results are lovely - and a favorite stopping point for the neighborhood dogs.

Not only is Noe Valley where I enjoy trees outside my window, it was also the site of the first tree planting by FUF back in 1981. After funding for San Francisco's urban forestry program was cut, several people got together and formed an organization to reach out to community members to get organized in their neighborhoods and start planing trees.

32 years later they are still going strong. According to their website, "Friends of the Urban Forest helps individuals and neighborhood groups plant and care for street trees and sidewalk gardens in San Francisco. This "green infrastructure" improves the city by beautifying neighborhoods, cleaning the air, raising property values and reducing polluted storm water runoff. Since 1981, FUF has planted more than 47,000 trees, totaling 43% of San Francisco's street tree canopy." 43%!! That's almost half the trees in San Francisco - but you can do math, you figured that out.

If you own property in the city, you can contact FUF to purchase a highly subsidized tree for your street. Any any of us, homeowners, renters and squatters alike can volunteer for a planting day or get your whole office to sign up for a corporate work day. As always, you stay up to date with their events by finding them on Facebook and becoming a fan.

Thanks to FUF you don't have go to Golden Gate Park to see a tree.

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